

The new 'problem solver' function of the atrac® system

June 10, 2024

The new 'problem solver' function of the atrac® system

The latest innovation in production efficiency on the stretch-reducing mill - the new 'problem solver' function of the atrac® system! Thanks to our new technology, common problems such as tube breaks, overloads and speed restrictions are solved. Smooth processes are achieved even in the most challenging scenarios such as particularly thin-walled and thick-walled tubes or very uneven wall thicknesses. With the new atrac® function, dynamic speed control is modified to prevent and minimise these problems. Despite the modification, the same familiar result, uniform wall thickness and low material loss are achieved without compromising performance. Another advantage of the new technology is that motor efficiency is increased and productivity is improved by always being able to utilise the full speed range. A reduction in internal polygon formation can also be achieved. Overall, the new function represents a further significant optimisation step in process automation at the stretch-reducing mill.



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